
Critics Rip Defense Department Over What It Claims Are 'Necessities' in Military

Critics ripped the Department of Defense on Wednesday for a woke tweet promoting the need for “diversity” and “inclusion” in the military.

The tweet linked to a news story about remarks Bishop Garrison, the senior advisor to the secretary of defense for human capital and diversity, equity, and inclusion, made to the Center for a New American Security.

Garrison said the need for diversity, equity and inclusion to be a consideration or a part of all decisions in the military.

"I would hope that as many leaders and members of the total force as possible see [diversity, equity and inclusion] efforts as a force multiplier," he said. He wants them to see the program as a way to make the U.S. military more successful in achieving critical missions and in making forces more lethal.

Bringing in more talented infantry personnel or military intelligence analysts is the goal for any program, he said. When the military gets recruits from diverse backgrounds, there will be more innovative thought, more innovative solutions to incredibly complex and complicated problems that are facing the national security apparatus today, he said. "I want people to see [diversity, equity and inclusion] as another tool in the toolkit and another way of solving these problems.

"It's not just something that has to be done because of some type of cultural ideology or culture wars that are going on — that's not the case at all. It is, again, not diversity for diversity's sake," Garrison said. (DoD)

Many pointed out this is not the way to win wars.