
She Said What? Jen Psaki Could Be Bracing Us for an Abysmal Jobs Report

You simply cannot make this up. I do give her some credit in trying to sell this talking point ahead of the jobs report. I mean, you really must be prepared to sacrifice your credibility to go along with this ploy here. We all know the Biden administration cannot create jobs. It’s been anemic. It’s been underwhelming. And this upcoming jobs report will be no different. It could be worse. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki seemed to prepare us for a bad one with these remarks at the presser yesterday. Our friends at Twitchy wrote about it. It was taken from a clip from MRCTV.

Psaki wanted to remind all of us that nine million people called out sick with Omicron. Calling in sick impacts the unemployment report? Really? Being sick doesn’t mean you’re unemployed, fellas. What is going on here?

I think what we could take from this is that it’s bad. It won’t be released until February 4, but the fact that they tried to use Omicron to explain the shoddy report is all you need to know. Prepare for pain, guys. And we have another three years of this incompetence.