
Fact Check: Did Biden Compare Opponents of His Agenda to Racist Segregationists?

Speaking to reporters at the White House Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden was asked to explain his comparison of Republican and Democratic Senators to Democratic segregationists opposed to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He claimed he did not make the comparison. 

But the record and facts show Biden did make the comparison during a speech in Atlanta last week. 

"I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered?  At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be the side, on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?  Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor?  Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?" Biden said according to the official White House transcript. "This is the moment to decide."

Yes, Biden did compare Senators opposed to his political agenda to racist segregationists.