
Chuck Schumer: I Was Targeted on January 6 Because of My Religion

For Democrats, yesterday was a commemoration of the worst day in their lives. It was the one-year anniversary of the insurrection that never happened. The violent coup that never was, and the armed rebellion that was anything but. It might have been all those things…in their twisted imagination. For the rest of us normal people, it was Thursday. No one cares. Literally, the only people who care are congressional Democrats and the media. That’s it. It’s an elite whine-fest that everyone is tired of watching. Get on with your lives. The only person who died, by the way, was Ashli Babbitt. No police officers were killed during that day. Equating it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor only shows that liberals remain illiterate when it comes to history. It was pathetic. They held a candlelight vigil, folks. It doesn’t get more Jonestown than that, only the Kool-Aid was missing.

Joe Biden was able to string together some sentences that only further divided the country. Oatmeal for brains acted as if the country was on the verge of collapse. It’s facially untrue. It’s gaslighting at expert-level—and we all thought it peaked with the Trump-Russia collusion story that never happened. Then, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) decided to get in on the victimization-fest, saying he was targeted because he was Jewish or something. Seriously? No one knows who the Senate Majority Leader is on a given day, but they knew it was Chuck Schumer, right? Please. Nancy Pelosi is different as we pummel her more often but Schumer is on a hit list. C’mon, man (via The Hill):

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Thursday recounted being evacuated from the Senate chamber during the Jan. 6 attack, including a close brush with rioters who he was told made antisemitic remarks about him.

"I was within 30 feet of these nasty, racist, bigoted insurrectionists. Had someone had a gun, had two of them blocked off the door, who knows what would have happened. I was told later that one of them reportedly said, 'There's the big Jew. Let's get him,' " Schumer said.

"Bigotry against one is bigotry against all. And I saw something that I had been told later never happened before, the Confederate flag flying in this dear Capitol. That's just one of many searing, grotesque images of that unimaginable, most un-American day," Schumer added.


During his speech, Schumer called out former President Trump, warned that democracy was at risk and made an indirect plea to Republicans to urge them to talk about the attack. Though several Republicans were angry with Trump in the immediate aftermath of the Jan. 6 attack, some of the president's closest allies have tried to downplay the violence.

Nope. Keep downplaying it because it wasn’t that bad. Was it a riot? Yes. Did it need to happen? Of course, not—but it is what it is, and it wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t worthy of the 24-hour non-stop coverage we were subjected to yesterday. If only the news media could act like this on days commemorating actual traumas, like the 9/11 attacks, then that would be something else. We can’t even get that on 9/11 as the coverage is usually peppered with unhinged leftists ranting about Bush, the GOP, and islamophobia.  

We had yet another jobs report that was off by 422,000 jobs, inflation spiking, a global supply chain crisis that’s ongoing, a border that’s in total chaos, and a new COVID wave. Biden can’t create jobs, his agenda will only exacerbate inflation, and he didn’t shut down the virus. He’s a failure. He’s aloof. He’s confused. And everyone has more things to worry about right now than liberal media figures and Democrats on the Hill hyperventilating over a nothing burger like January 6. No one cares.