
What Did Teachers' Unions Do with Billions of Tax Dollars?

Overnight, the Chicago Teachers Union voted to engage in an illegal strike and declared they would not be returning to classrooms for in-person learning. 

The move comes shortly after American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten declared that while she believes schools should be open, the risks of the pandemic are ongoing and schools need ventilation, masking, etc. 

But in three separate federal relief packages, schools received more than $200 billion to implement virus mitigation measures. Chicago alone received $2 billion. 

"Between March 2020 and March 2021, Congress appropriated nearly $190 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding for K–12 schools. Passed in three waves, each significantly more generous than the last, ESSER is by far the largest federal infusion ever provided to K–12 schools—more than 11 times annual Title I spending and almost five times as large as total federal K–12 spending in 2019–20. (Combined with Governor’s Emergency Education Relief funds, allocated along- side ESSER, emergency education funding approached $200 billion.)," analysis from the American Enterprise Institute shows.

So where did the money go? Teachers' unions are again working to extort the American taxpayer for more cash while destroying the future of the Nation's children.