
Oh No: Do We Have ANOTHER COVID Variant Emerging in France?

Here we go again. The pandemic isn't meant to be over, right? It's meant to be continuous, even as the virus has mutated into something that's much less lethal than the original strain or the past Delta variant. Omicron is surging in the US, but it's very mild, and early studies show that it spares the lungs, which is very good news. The bad news is that it's more contagious but that's a tradeoff I'll accept, I guess. Still, the liberal media, the Democrats, and some in the medical expert community are still packaging the fear porn. It sells. It gets them on television, especially MSNBC and CNN. It's a circus. 

Now, we might have a new variant emerging in France (via Fox 11 Los Angeles): 

A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in France. The variant has been named IHU.

It was found to have infected 12 people living in an area near Marseille, a port city in southern France.

Health officials found that IHU has 46 mutations. That is even more mutations than were found in omicron.

The cases have been linked to travel to the African country Cameroon.

The new strain has not been spotted in other countries yet and the World Health Organization (WHO) has not labeled the new strain a variant under investigation.


Experts say new variants keep emerging but it does not mean they will be more dangerous than previous strains.

Yeah, way to bury that latter part in the article, fellas. This is much like the cold and flu concerning mutations, folks. We're going to have to live with COVID. It's a fact. Ever since the Chinese let their lab experiment leak out into the world, this is a new reality. There will always be mutations as this is what viruses do. This isn't new. It's why the cold continues to strike us every winter, along with the flu. It changes. The same is happening with COVID.