
NY Gov Declared a New Public Health Emergency, But It's Not COVID-Related

She’s a Democrat. It’s not like we were expecting her to be any better than Andrew Cuomo, but Kathy Hochul, who stepped in after the former resigned over sexual misconduct allegations, has truly gone off the reservation with this public health emergency. It’s not even COVID-related. The college faculty seemed to have overtaken this part of her staff because this isn’t a real health emergency. Well, it may be if you’re ‘woke.’ She declared racism a public health crisis, but these are the serious people who are the adults in the room, right? New York is once again the Mecca of a COVID outbreak due to Omicron, but let’s focus on…racism. So, it’s not a big deal then—COVID? Right? 

I mean, we’ve seen the figures. We know the 90-plus percent survivability rate for…anyone who is healthy. I was told by this very party that Trump was to blame and that it’s a massive threat. I guess not if we can mess around with the far left and the items on their wish list, huh (via ABC News):

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has declared racism a "public health crisis," signing an entire package of legislation Dec. 23 aimed at addressing discrimination and racial injustice in the state.

"For far too long, communities of color in New York have been held back by systemic racism and inequitable treatment," Hochul said in a statement last week. "I am proud to sign legislation that addresses this crisis head-on, addressing racism, expanding equity, and improving access for all."

The new slate of laws address the need for comprehensive data collection on victims of violence and specifically Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders communities that have been ravaged by hate crimes throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Oh, lord not the ‘Stop Asian Hate’ campaign again. This died quickly and the reasons were quite simple. Most of the perpetrators were black. The whole narrative that these attacks were sparked by Trump and his bashing of China for leaking the coronavirus just didn’t work. The white supremacists in this tall tale were black. And so, the media narrative died faster than Pete Davidson’s character in The Suicide Squad. 

If we’re going to waste time on the woke Left’s insanity, then nix the mask mandates and the COVID passports, governor. It’s obvious you also want to move on to other stuff.