
Dan Rather Weighed In on 'Let's Go, Brandon.' He Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

The man has no shame. None. This cannot be real. Is it parody? Does he think we don’t remember his infamous bout of fake news that was done to influence a presidential election? I don’t know what’s going on with Dan Rather, but the former CBS News anchor and host needs to shut it down on all things for a bit after he decided to weigh in on the ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ movement. Seriously, at first, I couldn’t believe what he wrote, but when you take a second—it’s not shocking. These are the most shameless liars and if they have a base of supporters who will forgive them because their ‘lies’ are the good ones; these clowns will always be around. Our friends at Twitchy wrote about it.

“Let’s go, Brandon means you can’t handle the truth,” Rather tweeted. Yeah, he wrote that. 

As Jim Treacher aptly noted, Rather’s Killian documents story was one of the greatest examples of fake news, liberal media bias, and the lengths these people will go to sway an election. It was supposed to embarrass President Bush in the waning days of the 2004 election. It only ended up delivering a face full of buckshot to Rather and his staff. Producers were fired. Rather was reportedly forced into retirement. Why? Well, the documents which served as the basis of the story were shoddy—and that’s being generous. They were fake (via NBC News):

CBS News apologized…for a “mistake in judgment” in its story questioning President Bush’s National Guard service, claiming it was misled by the source of documents that several experts have dismissed as fakes.

The network said it would appoint an independent panel to look at its reporting about the memos. The story has mushroomed into a major media scandal, threatening the reputations of CBS News and chief anchor Dan Rather.

It also has become an issue in the presidential campaign. The White House said the affair raises questions about the connections between CBS’s source, retired Texas National Guard officer Bill Burkett, and Democrat John Kerry’s campaign.

Even in 2007, Rather said the story “was true.” He said so in an interview with the late Larry King on CNN:

Immediately after the story aired, critics began questioning the authenticity of documents used to buttress allegations that Bush did not fulfill his military commitments. Rather, who narrated the disputed piece, became the target of fierce criticism from conservative partisans who believed the story was an attempt to influence the 2004 presidential race.

Six months later, he stepped down from the anchor chair he had occupied for nearly a quarter century -- a departure he says was not voluntary.

In his interview with King, Rather again defended the accuracy of the story and said "I think there's a lot more in the president's military record that we don't know about."

"Nobody to this day has proved these documents were fraudulent," Rather said. "The story was true."

He also said an independent investigative panel commissioned by CBS, which issued a report highly critical of the story, was a "fraud."

Hence, shameless Dan hasn’t really changed but you all knew that. It’s even spilled over to his over colleagues like Brian Williams, who is also a fake news hall of famers