
Wait...Who Is Joe Rogan Talking About When He Says 'If She Runs, She Wins' Concerning Trump and 2024?

Joe Rogan may be turning some more heads. No, it’s not him defending himself using ivermectin which led to a CNN smear campaign that was certainly worthy of a lawsuit. It’s about his 2024—and the woman he thinks can beat Trump should he run again. No, it’s not Hillary Clinton. It’s former First Lady Michelle Obama (via Daily Mail):

Podcast host Joe Rogan has backed Michelle Obama to beat Donald Trump if she decides to run in the 2024 Presidential election.

The comedian said that the only thing that could prevent victory for the former First Lady would be if she 'showed any support for lockdowns and mandates and all this craziness that's going on.'

'She's great, she's articulate, she's intelligent, she's the wife of the best President that we have had in our lifetime ... she can win,' Rogan said.


Speaking more seriously, the podcaster said that Obama could clinch the White House as long as she avoided the pro-lockdown, anti-business policies which the Democrat party has embraced.

'The only thing that would stop her is if she bought into some of these policies that are destroying businesses in America that are making people scared,' Rogan said.

'If she somehow or another supported or showed any support for lockdowns and mandates and all this craziness that's going on.'

First, I don’t think Obama was our greatest president, but Rogan isn’t a staunch conservative. He’s a freethinker who at times, aligns with us. Yet, he is right that First Ladies often are more popular than their husbands, but the lockdowns and craziness is a whole other animal. Democrats are moving away from lockdowns somewhat in what could be an even bigger gaslighting exercise than the whole Russian collusion fiasco. Biden said there won’t be new ones. We’ll see how that holds up. There is no Democrat who can successfully run the primary gauntlet without being insane on policy. Jettison just one issue—you’re persona non grata. And these are the issues that are at the core of the base. There is no indication that Michelle will run. We all know she was lukewarm about her husband running in 2008. If she does run and wants to get real about some of the nutty agenda items Democrats have attached themselves to for the past decade, she could find herself being thrown into the Nazi camp. And by that, I mean the rest of us normal people who aren’t communists.