
Pro-Abortion Men Finally Take Some Responsibility

For decades feminists have cut men out out of the abortion debate while making exceptions only for those who support their pro-abortion agenda. Unless you have a uterus, they claim, you have no right to have an opinion on the issue. 

But now, pro-abortion men are taking things a step further. According to a new report from The Washington Post, a number of men are "doing their part" to relieve the burden on women by undergoing vasectomies. 

Koushik Shaw, a doctor at the Austin Urology Institute in Texas, said his practice saw about a 15 percent increase in scheduled vasectomies after the Sept. 1 Texas abortion ban went into effect.

Patients are saying “‘Hey, I’m actually here because some of these changes that [Gov. Greg] Abbott and our legislature have passed that are really impacting our decision-making in terms of family planning,’ so that was a new one for me as a reason — the first time, patients are citing a state law as their motivating factor,” Shaw said.

“An act of Love,” for their partners, “the ultimate way to be a good man,” is how he and others market the procedure.

“It’s a remarkable trend in the family planning community of recognizing and promoting vasectomy and birth control for men, where this was once considered more fringe,” said Sarah Miller, a family medicine doctor who has a private practice in Boston and joined Stein’s movement.

Considering the burden of abortion falls squarely on the woman, whether it's the physical procedure or the damaging and long term mental trauma inflicted by the operation, this option for pro-abortion men seems fair enough.