
Joe! You Can't Call Black People By That Name Anymore

Spencer wrote about the liberal media trying to cover Joe Biden's unfortunate remark about a black man at a Veterans Day speech. We need to circle back on this again because this is vintage Joe Biden. This harkens back to when he said that Obama was an articulate and clean black man during the 2008 election. He also said that you couldn't go into a 7-Eleven without having a slight Indian accent. If he had said these things today, he would have been canceled. No, he should have been canceled based on the left's rules. We all know they would protect him like Mediate did today. So what did he do now? He said the n-word. He called Satchel Paige a "negro" (via Fox News): 

President Biden referred to the late baseball player Satchel Paige as "the great negro" before correcting himself during his Veterans Day address at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday.

Biden was honoring former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary Donald Blinken, an Army veteran and father of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his speech when he launched into a story about Paige, who played in the so-called "Negro leagues" before moving to to Major League Baseball in the late 1940s.

"I’ve adopted the attitude of the great negro at the time, pitcher of the Negro leagues, who went on to become a great pitcher in the pros — in Major League Baseball — after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige," Biden recalled.

No wonder why White House staff mutes the televisions when this guy is speaking. We have Biden farting in front of members of the British Royal Family. We have his alleged diarrhea incident in front of the Pope. And now he's calling black people "negros." 

What is confirmed with this incident is that another form of diarrhea has hit Joe Biden. It's diarrhea of the mouth. The man just rambles, and when he rambles, it can veer into dementia-land or a Klan rally. This time it was a detour to a Jim Crow throwback. At least he didn't say "colored"—not like that's much of a win either.