
After Election Trouncing in Virginia, Teachers Union President Suddenly Wants a Pandemic Off Ramp

After keeping Virginia schools closed for over a year and repeatedly moving the goal posts on reopening, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten successfully delivered the state to Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin last week. Despite appearing at a final campaign rally for Democrat Terry McAuliffe, parents showed up to vote against her endorsement and anti-parent education policies. 

Now, Weingarten is finally admitting it's time for a pandemic off ramp. 

"It was clear that vaccines for teachers helped us reopen schools. Maybe it’s vaccines for kids helping us get to an off ramp for masks and getting to a new normal," Weingarten tweeted. 

So, how did she get to this conclusion? By following the science? Hardly. As usual, she's following the politics.