
The One Crosstab That Should Send Democrats Into Panic Mode Post- Virginia Elections

Democrat Terry McAuliffe won’t be returning to Richmond. He’s done. Finished. He ran a piss-poor campaign that focused on anything but Virginia. He said this election was about Trump, then it wasn’t, and then it was back to being about Trump. Oh, and his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin is Trump. It didn’t stick. Trump is gone, Terry. Inflation is rising. Job creation is trash. And Joe Biden’s approval rating here is in the toilet. Obama isn’t around to buoy your chances. And unlike Ken Cuccinelli, Glenn Youngkin was a solid candidate. He’s the next governor of Virginia. 

Yet, one crosstab should give Democrats a heart attack. The Latino vote, long coveted as the bloc that will lead to a permanent Democratic majority, is slipping away—big league. In Virginia, Youngkin won 54 percent of the Latino vote. That’s crazy good. Coupled with the surge in rural turnout, making good enough inroads in Northern Virginia, and solid support from Independents—it’s easy to see why Glenn beat Terry. 

What we need to look out for is if this is part of a continuing trend from 2020. The defund the police antics has pushed nonwhite voters into the GOP. Black and Latinos had trended towards Democrats, but there have been significant swings to Republicans due to the far-left’s insane ideological pushes on public policy. As David Shor, an unabashed liberal, noted, these voter blocs do not consider themselves liberal. They’re moderate-to-conservative despite their voting patterns. This push has been accelerated by white college-educated liberals seizing the messaging strategy. As a defund the police initiative went down in flames in Minneapolis last night—it’s clear that voters of all stripes want more police. They need the police. They want public safety. And it’s not popular. 

It’s also not popular to tell Latino voters to “get busy” to boost their proportion of the population. Yes, Terry said that and evidently these voters said, ‘no me gusta’ to scary Terry and voted Republican. 

Will this carry over? Most likely since the initial liberal reaction was to double down on all the stupid ‘woke’ crap that earned them defeats across the board last night. GOP has big nights in local school board races. And given the moral superiority complex liberal America has—along with their abject hatred of the poor and anyone who isn’t like them—this will likely bleed into the 2022 midterms.