
Why the Woke Mob Might Spare That Southwest Airline Pilot Who Said, ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

Donald Trump attended game four of the 2021 World Series between the Atlanta Braves and the Houston Astros. The Braves came back and won 3-2 and lead the series 3-1 over Houston. It’s customary to do the tomahawk chop—and Trump was not just going to sit there and do nothing as the Atlanta crowd rose as one to do their signature chant multiple times. No one does the tomahawk chop better than Trump—people are saying that (via NY Post):

Former President Donald Trump did the tomahawk chop with Braves fans at the World Series Saturday night, months after calling for a baseball boycott amid MLB’s politically-motivated move to pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta.

Trump and wife Melania watched Game 4 between Atlanta and Houston from a private suite.

The Republican was expected to be joined by political allies, including former University of Georgia Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker, who Trump encouraged to move back to the state and run for US Senate on the GOP line.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell endorsed Walker in his bid to unseat Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock on Wednesday.

There are two things you need to look out for in the aftermath of this game. The liberal media’s meltdown over the tomahawk chop—again. And the intensity of it now that Trump has decided to participate. It will probably be something along the lines of Keith Olbermann:

Yet, someone else might also have dodged a bullet here. Rebecca wrote about it last night. The Southwest Airlines pilot said, “let’s go Brandon” over the intercom. This triggered liberals before the World Series game, so maybe Trump’s tomahawk chop might spare this person from the wrath of the woke mob. Maybe? 

Last note: Isn't it odd how the All-Star game had to be moved out of 'racist' Georgia over their voting laws only to relocate to Colorado that has a voter ID law. And now, it's as if none of that matters because the Braves are in the World Series. Liberals, man--they never cease to be entertaining.