
Let's Go Brandon: Another Brutal Poll for Joe Biden

You saw this coming from a mile away. CNN was the first network to show how much Joe Biden is sucking. Yeah, they did news for once, showing slow Joe dipping to a 38 percent approval rating, with 50 percent thinking he's dishonest and 55 percent feeling that the dementia-ridden president simply cannot govern the country. This was a Quinnipiac poll they cited. And, of course, CNN does their own poll showing that Biden had a 50 percent approval rating. Yeah, sure, Jan. The cumulative effect is just overwhelmingly negative for Joe Biden. 

He's lost the middle, too. Independents have jumped ship to the tune of 20-plus points. And there's crisis after crisis that's engulfing this administration—and Joe is nowhere to be seen. Giving a speech and saying there's going to be a task force is not governing, especially since every task force Joe has created has failed. Multiple task forces that cannot do their jobs aren't governing—it's incompetence. Food prices are spiking. We have a looming global supply chain crisis. Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. China just tested a new hypersonic missile. Job creation has stalled. Everything is going wrong—and the honeymoon is over. 

A new CNBC poll has Biden's approval sitting at a pretty dismal 41 percent—and we're not even a year into this mess of a presidency (via CNBC): 

President Biden's approval rating has slid underwater to 41 percent, according to a new CNBC All-America Economic survey.

The CNBC survey released Thursday found the president 11 points underwater, with 52 percent of Americans saying they disapprove of Biden’s performance in the White House so far with just 40 percent of Americans saying they approve of his handling of the economy. Fifty-four percent of respondents said they disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.

Thursday’s poll, which surveyed 800 Americans from Oct. 14-17 and has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points, showed Biden’s overall approval rating down 7 points from July, when 48 percent approved of his performance and 45 disapproved.

Guy mentioned J. Ann Selzer's poll showing that Biden is sinking into the 30s, much like Quinnipiac's survey. And Quinnipiac is a poll that tilts to the left. As for inflation, well, voters are starting to pin most of the blame on President Dementia and his clown car of officials who think only the rich suffer the impacts of price spikes. It's a "high-class" problem, remember? Keep it up, fellas. The 2022 midterms could be a sledgehammer to the mouth for liberal America. The downside is that it's months away—an eternity in politics—with more damage likely ahead.