
The Glaring Conflict of Interest Seen During Virginia's Second Gubernatorial Debate Is Nothing New

They’re all in bed with one another. We all know this regarding the media and the Democratic Party. It’s a massive complex. They scratch each other’s backs. They pick sides. There is bias in the media coverage as a result. You all know this, but NBC News’ Chuck Todd has insisted it doesn’t exist. Right, and Antifa doesn’t exist either, right? Well, Todd should know better than to dole out that rather bold and false statement and then did what he did last night which speaks to the whole bias that’s manufactured daily by the Democrat-media complex. He moderated the second gubernatorial debate in Virginia last night and as Tim Graham of Newsbusters noted—there’s a ‘glaring’ conflict of interest. Namely, his wife advising and donating to Democrats in Virginia for years. And this has been known for years as Graham could not get an on-the-record comment from Todd on this matter dating back to 2016:

The Virginia gubernatorial candidates engage in their second debate … on WRC, the local NBC station in Washington. The moderator is Chuck Todd. That’s an interesting choice, since Chuck’s wife Kristian Denny has been active in advising and donating to Democratic candidates in Virginia. 

In the 2020 election cycle, Denny’s political consulting firm Maverick Strategies & Mail once again helped the Bernie Sanders for President campaign, earning $919,680 in the process. The Bernie campaign dropped almost $2 million with that firm in the 2016 cycle.  


Most recently in Virginia, Denny donated $500 in 2019 to Energized for Change PAC, formed by Virginia House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn “to protect our Democratic majority in the Virginia House of Delegates.” She donated $100 to Filler-Corn in 2010.

In the 2018 cycle, Denny contributed the maximum of $5,400 to Sen.Tim Kaine's re-election campaign. She's best known as a strategist that helped Sen. Jim Webb beat incumbent Republican Sen. George Allen in 2006. She also worked briefly on Webb's presidential exploratory committee in 2014. 

Mr. and Mrs. Todd hosted a dinner party in 2015 honoring Hillary Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

Guys, I know you already know this and if you didn’t, well—not too hard to connect the dots concerning this machine liberal America has built here. If the scripts were flipped and Todd and his wife were Republicans—you bet, there would be an outcry. It must be nice to be a Democrat. 

Yet, we’ve seen that this machine, as powerful as it is, does have limits. It cannot polish everything Joe Biden is doing which is why President Brain Worm’s approval ratings are sinking faster than the Titanic right now. Joey is trash in the numbers concerning his handling of the economy and COVID. He’s underwater here in deep blue Virginia and we’re not even a year into this presidency. Yes, the 2022 midterms could be great for Republicans but before that happens—there’s plenty of time for this president and his party to do damage—irreparable damage.