
Want to Guess What's Wrong With VICE News' Article About COVID?

I get it. Liberal media folks want us to get vaccinated for COVID. I got COVID last year. I still got vaccinated. It was my choice. Now, we’re dealing with Emperor Biden’s vaccine mandates after months of failed messaging, contradictory narratives, science fiction peddling, and outright denigration of those who are still on the fence about the shot. The sick irony is a lot of people are in this position because the so-called experts have done well in shredding their own talking points about the vaccine. When people still had questions, Biden didn’t want to hear it. He just offered a $100 bribe. The 70 percent threshold was never going to be reached. Vaccines are a touchy subject—always have been. The fear porn has been nonstop and now we have VICE News peddling some straight-up misinformation about natural immunity. It’s a lengthy piece that drives home the ‘don’t risk it, get the shot’ message, but it also says that natural immunity doesn’t exist. That’s the science fiction part, folks (via Vice) [emphasis mine]:

Jessi Gold, a psychiatrist and director of wellness, engagement, and outreach in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine, told VICE that forgoing the vaccine because you’re confident you’ll survive if you get COVID can be a coping mechanism during a time of fear and uncertainty.


Carl Fichtenbaum, professor of clinical medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, agreed that for some people it’s a coping mechanism. “When you ask yourself, ‘How do I get through a pandemic and survive without driving myself crazy?’ some people choose to say ‘I’m generally healthy so even if I get it, I’ll be OK,’” he told VICE. 

But experts emphasize that if you’ve made it this far without contracting the virus, it’s because you’ve been lucky—not because you’re invincible or have natural immunity, which doesn’t exist. Fichtenbaum said this kind of thinking fits into the common mindset that “bad things” will happen to other people but not to us.


While it’s true that many young, healthy people have avoided infection thus far or only had a mild case of COVID, Fichtenbaum emphasized that “it’s not because their body has some sort of amazing immunity that’s better than everyone else’s, and it’s not because they just won’t come in contact with the virus. They’ve just been lucky.” 

Some people may feel confident that they’re fine to go through life without the vaccine because, for example, their roommates contracted COVID and they didn’t. But Amler confirmed that prior exposure without infection is not some sort of proof that you’re naturally immune, or that you had an asymptomatic case and now have antibodies.  

That’s not what natural immunity means in this discussion. I acquired it after I recovered from my not-so-pleasant bout with the ‘Rona. And a lot of folks replied in a similar manner with regards to Vice not knowing what ‘natural immunity’ means. Again, why are we here? Well, maybe that’s because Anthony Fauci and his clown car of so-called experts eschewed talking about it. They had a vaccine-only approach to herd immunity. To discount natural immunity in all of this is literal malpractice. Tens of millions already had the infection and recovered from it before the three vaccines were approved. And yes, the number of total cases is wrong. It’s much higher. Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins, who has been screaming for the media and the science community to discuss natural immunity when it comes to COVID, noted that two-thirds of the country probably already had COVID. He based that figure on the virus’ fatality rate. 

Yes, those who remain unvaccinated are rolling the dice, but enacting a workplace mandate that will be enforced by OSHA is certainly going to draw legal challenges. Biden’s people had plenty of time to create an effective messaging strategy. They failed. The political class sees a new method of control and they want a forever pandemic. On that front, yes—there is no natural immunity, which is terrifying.