
National Security Adviser Says the Taliban Did Not Receive a 'Big List' of People from U.S. Officials

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday pushed back on reports that the U.S. had provided the Taliban with a list of Americans and Afghan allies, calling such reports "unfounded and inaccurate."

"We've aggressively, decisively disputed that report. We have given no list of all the American SIV holders to the Taliban or any other kind of big list,” Sullivan told CNN's Jake Tapper.

"Some idea that we're handing databases or lists to the Taliban is unfounded and inaccurate," he added.

But when pressed about whether his usage of "big list" meant that there was a less comprehensive list of names provided to the Taliban, Sullivan refrained from giving a direct answer.

"We have not, to my knowledge, had instances where when we have coordinated to get a particular movement on to the airfield outside of HKIA [Hamid Karzai International Airport] that we have been unable to get that group that we, the United States government, has said this is a priority for us," Sullivan said. "We need to move it on to the airfield."

"Of course, there have been people turned away at Taliban checkpoints," he continued. "And we are now working to try to resolve all of those cases so that if there is anyone eligible to come to the United States, we're able to get them here."

Secretary of State Antony Blinkin, however, admitted to NBC's Chuck Todd that names were given to the terror group.