
Ben Sasse Holds Nothing Back While Discussing Biden's Failure in Afghanistan

Republican Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) had harsh words for President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal of forces in Afghanistan, as the Taliban continues to dominate civilians. 

“This is worse than Saigon. What is happening at the Karzai International Airport today is a more shameful, lower moment in U.S. history than 1975 in Saigon,” Sasse said. “And Biden comes out of his bunker, comes back from Camp David, trying to do a campaign photo-op speech and he attacks the Afghan people who were at the edge of that airport because we promised them security. They fought with us and we said they would be secure. And his administration undermined the confidence of those people fighting. And they didn’t believe they were going to have air support. And then bizarrely, in one of the biggest blunders in American history, evacuated Bagram Airfield in the night...The Biden administration undermined the confidence of the fighters in Afghanistan.”

Sasse also penned a scathing op-ed criticizing the administration for covering for the Taliban and refusing to acknowledge the disastrous withdrawal.

“This bloodshed wasn’t just predictable, it was predicted. For months, Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee have warned the Biden administration that this would happen. Now the administration is acting like this is a surprise. It’s shameful, dishonest spin,” Sasse wrote for NRO. “Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been all over cable news pretending this isn’t a disaster. Administration apologists can bleat talking points all they want to, but they can’t drown out the screams of the women Taliban forces are systematically brutalizing.”

Biden doubled down on his decision on Monday and refused to take responsibility for the predicted disaster that resulted from his botched withdrawal.