
Daily Mail Reveals There's Another Hunter Biden Laptop

An exclusive from revealed that it appears Hunter Biden has lost yet another laptop, with this one in question being taken by Russian drug dealers while they were partying in Las Vegas together, according to Biden. 

The report, which includes blurred out but nevertheless explicit photos of Biden with a prostitute, features a transcript of the just over three and a half minute long video conversation between the two from January 2019. Much of it is erratic and expletive-laden. Some of it is inaudible. 

"I spent f***ing crazy amounts of money,' Hunter said. 'I was with these guys. The one guy was, not like you anyway… each night he'd be like 'there's going to be so many people here, crazy f***ing party' and each night it's nobody," Biden said, talking about Russians he spent time with in the summer of 2018 when he partied in various Las Vegas penthouse suites.

Biden, who claimed "I don't pass out, ever," recalled how he woke up one night to men known as Miguel and Pierce "frantically running around gathering things up," and said it was after that night he realized the laptop was missing. "I think he's the one that stole my computer. I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere. F***ing everywhere, crazy out of your mind sh**," he told the prostitute.

He also told her that the Russians "have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex f***ing, you know."

As he discussed  whether or not the laptop will be used to blackmail him, Biden acknowledged that his dad is running for president. "I talk about it all the time," he said, also going on to say that somebody "knows I make like a gazillion dollars."

The prostitute told Biden that he should "release [his] own video." He seems disappointed that nobody would want to see him do porn. "I'm worried he gets the money up front and maybe it doesn't do a million dollars, maybe it does three. Maybe nobody wants to see me naked," he acknowledged. "Maybe it's 'news interest' and because my dad's a public figure they say 'we don't have to pay you anything because you're of interest in regular news."

As also reported, Fox News host Sean Hannity during his Wednesday night show revealed that "three individual and separate sources that have told me that there are pictures on this laptop, probably the very things that alerted John Paul Mac, the computer repair man, to alert the FBI." Hannity said his lawyers won't let him obtain the laptop himself. 

This would be the third laptop Hunter Biden has lost, all likely containing compromising material. Coverage of the first laptop from The New York Post was censored in October 2020, just weeks before the presidential election.

A post-election Media Research Center poll was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates which surveyed real voters from November 2-3 shows more voter awareness could have been what got former President Donald Trump re-elected. 

"At the time you cast your vote for President, were you aware that evidence exists in emails, texts, eyewitness testimony and banking transactions that the FBI has been investigating since last year directly linking Joe Biden to a corrupt financial arrangement between a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese communist party and Hunter Biden’s business, which may have personally benefitted Joe Biden financially?," respondents were asked.

Thirty-six percent of Biden voters said they were not aware. Thirteen percent of those voters, which were 4.6 percent of Biden's total vote, said they would not have voted for now President Biden.