
Is This a Joke? One Traitorous GOP Senator Is Working to Undo the Trump Judiciary Wins

What are we doing people? I mean, really, what is the GOP doing? They’re about to cave on the debt ceiling. We all know they’re not going to be able to take the pressure. We know they’re going to get rolled on fighting this amnesty provision in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, but it’s fine because the Senate passed a bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure package which is really just an orgy of wasteful spending. And it’s worthless because Speaker Nancy Pelosi already said she's not going to vote on the bipartisan deal until the left-wing reconciliation bill is passed first. But it’s okay—because the Senate acted as if they’re doing something useful. The mayor of this clown town effort is Mitt Romney who said that this deal was a win for the GOP, but also Biden and the Democrats. So, we’re going to give Biden at least a trillion dollars in new spending amid rising inflation, plus amnesty for millions of illegals. I think we’re going to lose. There’s no way the GOP can win this fight, not after their capitulation on this deal. Nineteen defected to back this $1.2 trillion deal. Get out of here. And now they’re working with Democrats to screw us on the Judiciary. 

It was brought up last year, but now it’s been rehashed in all its horror. Meet Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) who is working with Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) to expand the number of district court judgeships that could potentially be filled by Democratic appointees. Trump was hell on wheels concerning confirming and reshaping the judiciary. Another episode in the GOP snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. What are you doing, Young (via Courthouse News):

House lawmakers introduced a bill Friday that would add 203 new district court judgeships spread over 47 judicial districts – far surpassing the judiciary’s request earlier this year for 77 new seats across 24 districts.   

The judiciary’s proposal, made by the 26-member Judicial Conference of the United States in March, was taken up by Senate Democrats, who introduced a bill for 77 new district court seats on Thursday. The bill, sponsored by Republican Senator Todd Young of Indiana, allows the president to fill 39 new seats in 2025 and 38 new seats in 2029.

But the House bill, introduced by Georgia Democrat Hank Johnson, adds far more than the Judicial Conference requested. It would also increase the number of seats immediately. 

Johnson, chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet, said that his proposal addresses a “crisis” occurring in courts around the nation. With over 200 new seats, the District Court Judgeships Act of 2021 reverts to the original standard of 400 case filings per judgeship and would relieve overburdened courts. 

“Our lower courts, including in Georgia, are understaffed and overwhelmed,” Johnson said in a statement. “It’s causing massive backlogs and delays. This crisis is one that we can solve now – to have a functioning legal system, we must have an adequate number of judgeships.”

Yeah, way to open pandora’s box here. Add this item to the Democrats’ agenda in their ‘long war’ to erase any scintilla of Trumpism from our institutions, especially those that carry lifetime appointments. Biden is already looking into packing the Supreme Court after Trump was able to nominate and confirm three jurists. This effort will undo years of hard work to reshape the judiciary along more conservative lines after nearly a decade of Obama appointments. There’s no getting around that.