
WH Slams WaPo, NYT for 'Completely Irresponsible' Tweets on Spread of COVID Among Vaccinated

The White House on Friday called out both The Washington Post and The New York Times for reports regarding the rates at which vaccinated individuals can become infected with the coronavirus.

White House Deputy Director of Strategic Communications and Engagement Ben Wakana, who also serves on the COVID-19 Rapid Response Team, called out the two news outlets' on Twitter for their reporting. 

The Washington Post's report cited a CDC study that highlighted a "massive" outbreak in the state of Massachusetts among vaccinated residents. 

Wakana pointed out what the newspaper got wrong in their reporting.

Wakana then responded to a tweet from The New York Times that claimed the new delta variant spreads equally among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

After the reports from the often Democrat-friendly newspapers, Wakana tweeted, "Let’s be clear. If 10 vaccinated people walk into a room full of COVID, about 9 of them would walk out of the room WITH NO COVID. Nine of them."

This comes as the Biden administration is ramping up efforts to have more people get vaccinated against COVID-19.