
House Dems Pass Bill Which Allows Taxpayer Dollars To Fund Abortions in Foreign Countries

House Democrats passed the appropriations bill yesterday without the Helms Amendment, an exclusion that would allow taxpayer dollars to go towards abortions in foreign countries. 

This appropriations bill funds the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs. The Helms Amendment was first passed by Congress in 1973 in response to Roe v. Wade, and has been included in every appropriations bill since then with bipartisan support. Not a single Republican voted for the bill. This marks yet another turning point where Democrats signal to the country they aren't interested in bipartisanship, and instead carry on with their agenda. In this case, it isn't a very popular one.

Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) noted the Helms Amendment's favorability with the public before the House floor.

Democrats celebrated their destruction of life on Twitter.