
Detroit Police Chief Blasts Cori Bush For Having Private Security While Supporting Defunding the Police

Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO), a member of the progressive “squad” in Congress, is under fire for paying $70,000 on private security while she advocates to defund the police, via Fox News:

Bush's campaign sent $54,120.92 in payments between April 15 and June 28 for "security services" to RS&T Security Consulting, a New York-based firm with a mysterious online presence, Federal Election Commission records released Thursday show. The Democrat's campaign also paid $15,000 to Nathaniel Davis for "security services" over the same time period.

The $69,120 in security payments accounted for more than a third of Bush's $197,000 in campaign expenditures during the second quarter, the FEC records show. It's also nearly double what her campaign spent on private security during the first quarter of 2021.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig, who recently launched a gubernatorial bid, had harsh words for her “hypocrisy” surrounding the private security detail.

“It's comedy. It’s hypocrisy and I got to tell you, do I believe that security is important for public officials? Yes. I ran a security detail for the mayor and the police chief and the city attorney out in Los Angeles when I was out there at one point. I understand the necessity,” Craig said on Fox News. “But, L.A. just stripped 15 million from their budget. They defunded L.A. PD, I bet they didn’t reduce the size of the mayor security team in Los Angeles, and as I said as I was beginning to say about Cori Bush since she’s a defund reimagining, how about you do this? Put a social worker on your detail, just do that. These are the same Progressives that would also take guns from law-abiding Americans.”

Bush spent more on private security than other "squad" members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) who spent $4,000, $2,800, and $3,500 respectively.