
Why Portland Police Rushed to Inform the Public That They Shot a White Dude

The entire Left coast is a tinder box. It has been for some time since last summer’s pervasive leftist rioting. The George Floyd killing sparked months of mayhem. It hasn’t left in some areas. And the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, who are by all intents and purposes, pro-crime, allowed this chaotic sentiment to take hold in their cities. The mayor of Seattle allowed an armed leftist militia to seize portions of the city. So, why should we be shocked if Portland is any different? 

On Friday morning, a man was shot and killed by police, but the police department sent out a tweet that reads a bit odd. 

‘It’s cool guys, we only shot a white guy’ is how it sounds. The Daily Caller wrote it up which included the tweet, but it’s not due to any woke makeover of the police department, though the way is clear for that now. It’s because rumors were circling that a “POC” was shot and killed (via Daily Caller):

The Portland Police Department reassured the public early Friday morning the suspect who was fatally shot by police was a white male after protests began to form.


The “erroneous information” that police appear to be referring to claimed the victim of the shooting was black.


A crowd had formed at the scene of the shooting with some participants throwing objects at officers, police tweeted. One individual grabbed an officer’s baton while another individual sprayed an officer with “a chemical.”


Portland Police say “members of a hostile crowd” smashed windows on a patrol vehicle and flattened the tires as officers tried to clear the scene.

This incident comes after the city’s entire rapid response unit resigned in protest; one of their officers was indicted for misdemeanor assault. So, yes, with fewer cops, might want to correct the record ASAP lest we have another string of nights were rioting and mayhem engulf the streets.