
Conservatives Call For Boycott of Nickelodeon For Pushing 'Incredibly Sick' LGBTQ Propaganda on Kids

In case you missed it, in preparation for Pride month, Nickelodeon targeted its youngest audience members with LGBTQ propaganda during a “Blue’s Clues” YouTube segment featuring a cartoon drag queen teaching kids about the full spectrum of sexual identities. 

As The Federalist pointed out, “This is clearly intended to catechize small children into false and damaging beliefs about the human person. Slogan repetition is a basic propaganda technique. So is incorporating radical ideas into non-threatening and cheerful contexts.”

But the children’s network didn’t stop there.

Nickelodeon next moved on to its older audience members, putting out another video on its YouTube page (and TikTok profile) featuring a real drag queen, Nina West, titled “The Meaning of Pride.” The music video explains to children the various colors of the pride flag. 

This perverse indoctrination is the stuff of nightmares, and it's being forced upon our children. It's no wonder many conservatives on Twitter have called on people to boycott the network.