
Why Trump's Blog Lasted Less Than a Month

It’s a sad day. Donald Trump’s blog is no more. It’s been shuttered and it’s not coming back. It was a platform from which the former president could communicate with his followers after Big Tech purged him from their platforms over the January 6 riot. The president’s blog lasted barely a month and they did try to get social media accounts going only to again, be suspended by the likes of Twitter and others. The reasoning behind Trump’s blog shutting down is that he was tired of people making fun of it, among other issues (via HuffPost):

A “communications platform” former President Donald Trump launched in early May as a means to reach his followers is shutting down after usage tanked.

Trump senior aide Jason Miller justified the site’s forced retirement to CNBC on Wednesday, saying it was “auxiliary to the broader efforts we have and are working on.”

Miller declined to elaborate on those efforts, but did confirm the website “will not be returning.”

A Trump adviser told The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity that the former president was upset that people were mocking his blog instead of reading it.


…its actual utility came into question soon after its May 5 launch. Social media interactions plummeted from 159,000 its first day to just 15,000 three days later, a Washington Post analysis found.

Yikes. Either way, it’s still an atrocity that Trump was banned while still in office. The leader of the free world was banned by Facebook and Twitter. I’m sure other world leaders, like the liberal opposition press, hated Trump, but found his censoring troubling. They did voice their concerns. If we’re being honest, this was probably the result no matter what. It’s not like Big Tech was shy about their intentions to remove Trump once he left office. The Capitol Hill riot only accelerated that plan, and the one to remove untold number of accounts they deemed problematic.