
Georgia Governor Kemp Bans Public School Mask Mandates

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R-GA) is the latest Republican governor to follow the science with mask mandates. After banning state-mandated vaccine passports in his state, the Georgia Republican announced that he would prohibit public schools from mandating that students, teachers, and staff wear masks.

“We’re not going to have a mask mandate for our kids. Our teachers have had the ability to get vaccinated. It certainly doesn’t keep anyone from wearing a mask. If parents want their kids to wear a mask, if teachers want to wear a mask if they haven’t been vaccinated, or even if they have, they can certainly do that. ” Kemp said on Fox News. “The time for mandates is over. Our numbers have plummeted.”

He emphasized that his constituents know how to utilize best practices for the pandemic, and that Georgians are encouraged to receive the COVID vaccine. Kemp and other Republican governors have been on the receiving end of criticism from the Left and Democrat politicians for liberating their states from burdensome regulations, as the vaccination rate continues to climb. Republican governors, including Kemp, have refused to allow government-mandated vaccination passports for citizens to return to normal life, while blue state governors keep their states in pandemic-mode while businesses continue to suffer. With respect to mask mandates, the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is on the side of GOP governors who have banned mandates for vaccinated individuals; the guidance indicates that fully vaccinated Americans need not wear masks any longer.