
Really? That's the Lawsuit Donald Trump Is Facing Regarding COVID

This was bound to happen. I’m sort of shocked it didn’t happen sooner, but here we are with the triggered left-wingers tossing around lawsuits like candy because they found something offensive. That thing was a phrase Donald Trump used to describe the coronavirus. It’s accurate. It’s not offensive, but that’s not the point. This is about the Left’s unhealthy and unhinged obsession with the former president. Even when he’s gone, he’s facing criminal investigations into his business dealings, but this one deals with two words: China virus. Yes, Trump is being sued because he said that (via the Hill):

Former President Trump has been sued by a civil rights group for calling COVID-19 the “China virus” last year.

The federal complaint by the Chinese Americans Civil Rights Coalition (CARC) alleges that Trump’s use of that phrase and similar terms harmed the Chinese American community.


Trump’s “extreme and outrageous conduct was carried out throughout the pandemic with reckless disregard of whether such conduct would cause Chinese Americans to suffer emotional distress,” the suit states.

Yeah, this should be dismissed. I think it will; what’s the case here. That the president used his First Amendment rights to call something what it really is? The virus came from Wuhan, China. It looks like it was leaked from a lab, a theory now being taken seriously that was dismissed as crazy talk by scores of media outlets when first mentioned last year. This is a China virus. Just like how there are UK and Indian variants. It’s not racist. It’s not offensive. It’s the truth.