
Attention Surrounding Mitt Romney Makes for a Rowdy Saturday at Utah GOP Convention

The Utah GOP convention was thrust into the spotlight on Saturday when Mitt Romney, now a sitting senator representing the state, took to the stage earlier today to make remarks. Boy was he met with boos and heckled for it. A vote also took place on whether or not to censure Sen. Romney for his vote to convict former President Donald Trump during both of his impeachment trials. While it failed, at least the boos during his speech were still fun to watch. 

And here's a clip of Sen. Romney's speech, where the boos loudly continued. What did he expect though with such lines as, "I’m a man who says what he means, and you know I was not a fan of our last president’s character issues." He also told them, "You can boo all you like. I’ve been a Republican all of my life. My dad was the governor of Michigan and I was the Republican nominee for president in 2012." 

The man actually engaged with hecklers, asking, "Aren't you embarrassed?" No, Sen. Romney, something tells me they are not "embarrassed." 

While Sen. Romney left immediately afterward, his name would be a part of a major agenda item, whether or not to censure him. It failed 798-791, which was noted to be close. 

Kudos to Ben Winslow of Fox 13 Salt Lake City, who live-tweeted the entire thing and wrote a recap of what he said was a "WILD...convention." It certainly seems like it. 

As for the "upset leadership election," Carson Jorgensen, a sheep rancher by profession, was elected as chairman. The Utah GOP spelled his name wrong, but congratulations to him all the same. 

It was much more hard-hitting than reporting from the Salt Lake Tribune. "Mitt Romney booed at raucous Utah GOP convention as speakers attack the Biden agenda," one headline read. Wait. Hold up. You're telling me that speakers at a GOP convention are going to "attack the Biden agenda?" That's some huge news indeed. I'll stick with Winslow, though, thank you very much.