
Fauci Gives Americans a Grim Look at Post-Vaccine Life

Dr. Anthony Fauci gave Americans a grim vision for a return to normal, yet again, on Monday. The top doctor said on MSNBC that even once Americans are vaccinated, eating and drinking indoors is not advised.

“No, it’s still not okay,” Fauci said of returning to indoor dining after receiving the vaccination. “The level of infection, the dynamic of infection in the community are still really disturbingly high.”

Republicans had harsh words for Fauci’s unscientific advice for Americans.

Nearly 1 in 4 Americans do not desire to receive the COVID vaccine, and Fauci’s comments will not help instill more confidence in either the vaccine’s effectiveness, as well as a prospective return to normal life. Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that fully-vaccinated individuals can travel and gather indoors with loosened restrictions.