
Gillibrand Mocked Over How She Just Defined Infrastructure

President Biden wants a $2.3 trillion “infrastructure” plan but less than 6 percent of that would actually go toward infrastructure in the traditional sense of the word.  While Republicans have been vocal about the bill’s reality, they got an unlikely ally in spreading the message that the plan is nothing more than a Democrat spending wishlist.

On Wednesday, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand tweeted: "Paid leave is infrastructure. Child care is infrastructure. Caregiving is infrastructure." 

Critics on Twitter mercilessly mocked the senator over the tweet. 

Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have been blasting the "infrastructure' plan, arguing it's a Trojan horse hiding huge tax hikes on the American people. “It’s called infrastructure, but inside the Trojan horse it’s going to be more borrowed money, and massive tax increases on all the productive parts of our economy," he said last month. 

“Repairing roads, bridges, and highways is more the talking point than the actual point of the President’s plan," House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith said in a press release. 

-Less than 6 percent ($115 billion) for roads and bridges

-43 percent more is spent on mass transit and rail ($165 billion) than for roads and bridges

-Less than 2 percent ($42 billion) for waterways, locks, dams, ports, and airports

-Less than 5 percent ($100 billion) for broadband

-74 percent more is spent on subsidies for electric vehicles ($174 billion) than for broadband. 

-Meanwhile, most of the bill consists of non-infrastructure provisions such as: 

-$400 billion for expansion of Medicaid

-$213 billion for housing and to increase federal control of local housing markets

-$100 billion of additional funding for schools without requiring them to reopen

-$50 billion for a new office at the U.S. Department of Commerce

-$35 billion for climate science, innovation, and R&D

-$10 billion for a new “Civilian Climate Corps”

-Overturns right-to-work laws in 27 states