
Psaki Fails to Explain Why Illegal Immigrant Children Are Getting In-Person Instruction

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki failed to adequately explain why illegal immigrant children are receiving in-person education while American children in schools across the country are still being shut out. 

Teachers from San Diego Unified School District are teaching migrant children in person before their own students, Fox News has learned. 

SDUSD students are currently learning in an online-only format and are expected to move into a hybrid model on April 12, where they will be learning in a combination of in-person and online formats, according to the school district's website. 

"The system is broken when San Diego teachers are teaching migrant children in person, but the 100k students of taxpaying families at San Diego Unified School District are stuck learning in Zoom school," Emily Diaz, an SDUSD parent, told Fox News in an email.

SDUSD spokeswoman confirmed to Fox News the district has shared information about the opportunity for teachers to volunteer teaching migrant children in person during their spring break this week.

For months members of teachers unions and their leaders have argued it is unsafe to teach in-person due to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. The CDC has said since July 2020 that classrooms are safe, but the positivity rate for unaccompanied minors in federal government detention centers is 10 percent. 

Hundreds of migrant children who have been detained at the U.S.-Mexico border have tested positive for COVID-19, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) told The Hill.

The agency said there have been 2,897 lab-confirmed COVID-19 tests among unaccompanied children since March 24, 2020. Of that number, 2,587 have recovered and have moved out of medical isolation.

The department also said 1,819 have moved from isolation and have since been discharged to a sponsor.

Meanwhile Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been tapped by President Joe Biden to lead the "diplomatic" effort to stop the flow of illegal immigration from Central America, is laughing at parents and students suffering from remote learning.