
Fauci: So, The Six Foot Rule May Not Be Necessary

The Centers for Disease Control guidelines on social distancing may be changing again after a new study shows six feet of distance to avoid the spread of Wuhan coronavirus may not be necessary. 

During an interview with CNN over the weekend, Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged three feet of distance may be sufficient to reopen schools that remain closed. 

"There's this new study from researchers in Massachusetts, just out this week, it found no significant difference of coronavirus spread in schools where there was six feet of distancing vs. three feet of distancing. But that six foot requirement, that's one of the main hurdles to reopening schools. Does this study suggest to you that three feet is good enough?" CNN's Jake Tapper. 

"It does indeed," Fauci said. "What the CDC wants to do is they want to accumulate data. When the data shows that there is an ability to be 3 feet, they will act accordingly. They have clearly noted those data. They are, in fact, doing studies themselves. And when the data are just analyzed, and it’s going to be soon." 

"The CDC is very well-aware that data are accumulating making it look more like 3 feet are okay under certain circumstances. They’re analyzing that. And I can assure you within a reasonable period of time, quite reasonable, they will be giving guidelines according to data that they have," he continued. "It won’t be very long, I promise you." 

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden is dictating what you "can and cannot do" once vaccinated for the disease and arguing backyard cookouts aren't possible until July 4, 2021.