
Virginia GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Pete Snyder Unveils 'Honest Vote' Strategy Aimed at Election Integrity

Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Pete Snyder unveiled a detailed strategy to tackle voter integrity. Named the "Honest Vote" plan, Snyder's proposed six-pillars of voting protocol changes are aimed at restoring accountability, voter confidence, and transparency within free and fair elections.

Snyder's newly-rolled out plan includes voter identification, signature matching, updating voter rolls, and ensuring that only legal Virginians vote. Additionally, the GOP outsider candidate hopes to hold "unelected bureaucrats" accountable for making changes to voting protocols while also establishing a state-run outlet for voter fraud to be reported.

Snyder faulted Virginia lawmakers in both parties for the loss of voter confidence in the electoral system, arguing that the government "has failed to deliver" on "transparency and accountability."

“Having secure, legal, and trustworthy elections is something that we must demand in our Commonwealth. Unfortunately, for too many Virginians, whether they be Republicans, Democrats or Independents, trust in our election system has been severely strained and due to many last minute Covid-related changes to our voting systems, government has failed to deliver on the transparency and accountability expected from voters. The pillars of my plan are the first steps to restoring voter confidence and protecting our democracy," he said on Thursday.

Former Deputy DHS Secretary and Attorney General of Virginia Ken Cuccinelli and Virginia State Senator Mark Obenshain will lead the effort, Snyder said.