
Mike Pence Has Some Serious Concerns About the 2020 Presidential Election

Former Vice President Mike Pence is raising concerns about the way the 2020 elections were conducted and warning about troubling legislation before Congress that would all but ensure a repeat of the 2020 election nightmare. 

In an OpEd published by the Daily Signal, Pence wrote about "election irregularities" in the last cycle and the "numerous instances of officials setting aside state election law." The former VP said he shares those concerns with millions of Americans. 

"That’s why when I was serving as presiding officer at the joint session of Congress certifying the Electoral College results, I pledged to ensure that all objections properly raised under the Electoral Count Act would be given a full hearing before Congress and the American people," Pence recalled. 

Pence pointed out that a great number "of the most troubling voting irregularities" occurred in states where governors, secretaries of state and the courts made changes to state election laws. And now, HR 1, a sweeping 800-page election overhaul bill proposed by Democrats, seeks to turn many of those reckless changes into federal election law.

"While legislators in many states have begun work on election reform to restore public confidence in state elections, unfortunately, congressional Democrats have chosen to sweep those valid concerns and reforms aside and to push forward a brazen attempt to nationalize elections in blatant disregard of the U.S. Constitution," warned Pence. 

"[HR 1] would force states to adopt universal mail-in ballots, early voting, same-day voter registration, online voter registration, and automatic voter registration for any individual listed in state and federal government databases, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles and welfare offices, ensuring duplicate registrations and that millions of illegal immigrants are quickly registered to vote," Pence continued.

The former vice president also warned that HR 1 would force states to permit ballot harvesting and count mail-in ballots that arrive as late as 10 days after the election. The legislation would prevent states from cleaning voter registration rolls and empower bureaucrats with redrawing congressional districts. 

"Every single proposed change in HR 1 serves one goal, and one goal only: to give leftists a permanent, unfair, and unconstitutional advantage in our political system," Pence added. 

Instead of fixing election problems responsible for undermining the people's faith in their government, Democrats want to surround the Capitol with fencing and make the problems the new norm.