
Is Xavier Becerra's HHS Nomination About to Crash and Burn?

As the U.S. Senate gears up to vote on whether former California Attorney General Xavier Becerra should become the next Health and Human Services Secretary, his nomination seems to have hit a snag. 

Meanwhile, Republican Senators are blasting Becerra and citing his tyrannical, anti-First Amendment record and lack of healthcare experience as disqualification for the position. 

“This isn’t complicated: In the middle of a deadly global pandemic, Americans want their Department of Health and Human Services to be focused on health and human services — not culture wars. If bullying nuns and trampling First Amendment rights could magically cure COVID, Becerra would be qualified. He’s not right for the job and the Senate needs to reject this hyper-partisan nomination," Republican Senator Ben Sasse released a statement. 

Last night Neera Tanden, Biden's nominee to head the Office of Budget and Management, withdrew her nomination after failing to gather enough votes in the Senate.