
Rubio Points Out the 'Utter Ridiculousness' of Biden's New Immigration Policies

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio is blasting President Joe Biden's immigration policies and pointing out that it's easier to cross into the United States illegally than it is to visit the U.S. Capitol. 

"How are these people getting here? They're getting here because trafficking networks are taking advantage of poor, desperate people and they're telling them, 'there's a new president, this new president will let you come in the United States and stay there if you show up with a child.' So now, you've created an incentive for children to be sent on that journey. We have no idea how many of these children are killed on that journey, are killed, left behind, die from illness on that journey, are sexually abused on that journey by these evil trafficking networks all incentivized his policy," Rubio said. 

"What we end up with is utter ridiculousness. Today it is easier in many ways to show up at the border of the United States and gain entry into this country than it is for an American to come to the Capitol and see their member of Congress. We've got House members who have to go through a metal detection to go vote but if you show up at the border your ability to stay in the country, with a child, your ability to stay in the country has dramatically increased," he continued. "We're going to have hundreds-of-thousands of people because the word is out in Central America that if you show up with a child they're going to let you in, they're going to let you stay. You're just going to see more and more people coming. It's a terrible tragedy and by the way, it's not good for this country either. 

Rubio's remarks come as the illegal immigration and unaccompanied minor crisis at the southern border continues to get worse. Back in Washington D.C. officials, the U.S. Capitol is still surrounded by fencing topped with razor wire and National Guard soldiers are still patrolling the area.