
David Hogg Wants to Start His Pillow Company Anywhere Except This One State

Gun control activist David Hogg seems intent on creating a pillow manufacturing company to rival Mike Lindell's MyPillow to stick it to him. 

Hogg has been workshopping the idea publicly on his Twitter account and has been asking for advice from his followers. In a tweet sent on Sunday, Hogg asked which state his company should be based in, but noting he does not want it to be headquartered in California. Yes, that California where Democrats have complete control of the state.

Hogg cited the state's notoriously high cost of living as a reason for why California is not on the table, adding, "And in regards to the Cost of living part of the reason is we want our employees to have the biggest bang for their buck housing in CA for example is unbelievably expensive even for people making what would be considered more than a living wage in many other states."

As someone who has spent some time in California and seeing the failures of Democratic-majority rule, as least Hogg is smart enough to want to start a business anywhere else but there. Though people on Twitter could not help but see the irony in the tweet since Hogg has built his brand on pushing policies California has implemented on a national level.