
Louie Gohmert Weaponizes Pelosi's Own Words Against Her

"Arrest Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)."

You know that was going through the minds of some Democratic members of Congress when he offered his remarks during the debate period regarding the latest impeachment push against President Donald Trump. This is the fallout from last week’s riot on Capitol Hill. The president has been accused of inciting the mayhem and pretty much attempting an insurrection. The liberal media has been relishing this moment. We knew it was coming. The problem is the narrative could be changing. The FBI has said this might have been a pre-planned attack. Okay, so how can President Trump incite a…pre-planned riot? Still, five people died. But it was utter insanity as both sides went back and forth regarding what transpired on January 6.

Yet, Gohmert decided to kick it up a notch in his remarks, which some liberal media members felt was a call for more unrest. Oh, and some Democrats thought he should have been cuffed. Well, you can’t because he was merely re-directing Nancy Pelosi’s own words against them (via Fox News):

Several members of the media wrongly went after Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, Wednesday and suggested that he was calling for more "uprisings" following last week's Capitol Hill riot.

"Here's a quote: 'I just don't even know why there aren't more- why there aren't uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be,'" Gohmert began. "Or, 'Sadly, the domestic enemies of our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in Congress.' We were called 'enemies' of the state. Those were all quotes from our speaker.

"Now, on our side, we didn't take those to be impeachable because we didn't believe she surely meant that," Gohmert added. "But by the Democrats taking this action, you're telling me, 'No, when we say those, we actually mean to incite violence.' That's what this action is saying."

Well played, sir.