
Pelosi Explains What She Believes Wednesday's Capitol Riot Was About

Five people are dead as a result of rioting that took place at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. The speed and force in which Republican lawmakers condemned the violence is a standard to which Democrats should aspire, given their failures to forcibly condemn and stop the months-long carnage unleashed by leftists loons in cities throughout America last year. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is further exploiting Wednesday's riot to score political points with her far-left base and further divide the country. 

The Associated Press reports that Pelosi commented on Saturday that pro-Trump rioters at the Capitol chose "their whiteness over democracy." The speaker's comments were made during an online video meeting with her constituents in San Francisco. 

"It has been an epiphany for the world to see that there are people in our country led by this president, for the moment, who have chosen their whiteness over democracy," claimed Pelosi.

The rioters' true crime, in Pelosi's estimation, appears to be their whiteness. There's a theory on the left that flies in the face of reason and experience by claiming Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol would have been treated much harsher had the crowd been more diverse. 

It's a preposterous idea given that more diverse crowds of leftists rioted for months last year, attacked cops at the White House, set fire to St. John's church, burned stores, looted business, vandalized private property, tore down statues, sent cops to the hospital, established anarchist zones, and waged a nightly war on a courthouse in Portland that lasted for a number of months. Kamala Harris, Biden Staffers, and liberal celebrities even helped bail out those arrested. 

Police officers across the nation kneeled down before BLM protesters and some officers joined their ranks.

Research has found that police officers are more hesitant to shoot black suspects than they are to shoot white suspects in similar circumstances and to show better judgment with regard to the use of deadly force when black suspects are involved. 

If a BLM-Antifa crowd had stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, my guess is the majority of Congressional Democrats would have joined them.