
The Simple Way a Local CA Business Owner Stopped a Health Inspector from Issuing COVID Fines

Carlos Roman of the Bread and Barley in Covina, California had enough. The COVID lockdowns under Adolf Newsom have been as draconian as they could be. In Michigan, Fraulein Whitmer has also engaged in power-grabbing lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus. We’ll come to that in a second, but back to Roman. He’s the hero of the day. Tired of seeing the health inspector issue fines to business already teetering on collapse, he simply parked his massive truck to prevent the inspector from leaving, possibly issuing more financial harm to innocent American business owners. 

The confrontation was captured on video. His rule was simple: “if we can’t work, he can’t work.”

A police officer was dispatched to resolve the situation. At this point, Roman confronts the health inspector head-on, noting how it must be nice for him to keep receiving a paycheck, while scores of neighboring businesses are being crushed. The Daily Caller News Foundation has more:

“This isn’t about me, they can’t pay their bills,” Roman said, video shows. “The cook just had a baby he’s with his family right now.”


The officer told Roman it “wasn’t his [the health inspector’s] fault” and that he was following orders from his supervisor, video shows. The officer told Roman that “this is not the way to settle things” and recommended that he speak to a supervisor though he said he’d already talked to supervisors.

Roman told officers that he was desperate to pay his bills and feed his kids, video shows. Roman eventually agreed to move his truck out of the way.


“The peace was kept and Mr. Roman’s vehicle was moved from the roadway, allowing the health inspector to leave,” Covina Police Sergeant-Community Impact Team David Rodriguez told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We have no information on citations or fines issued by LA County Health Inspectors as they are a different entity.

It’s now very clear that locking down bars, gyms, and restaurants is not working. It probably never did. It’s not the answer. In New York, another state hit hard by COVID, they found that indoor dining establishments are responsible for a whopping 1.4 percent of viral spread. The figure is similar for gyms and hair salons, and barbershops. What is contributing to the spike? People staying in their homes, which has contributed to almost 75 percent of new cases. Keeping people inside is causing this virus to explode…again. Sort of ironic that Democrats who claim to be the party that follows science is…totally ignoring the data regarding how this virus is being transmitted. Then again, these are the same folks who believe a quack doctor’s theories about vaccines and autism, which was proven fraudulent. Oh, and he got his medical license revoked, so they sure know how to pick ‘em.