
Facebook's Takedown of Massive 'Stop the Steal' Group Exposes Glaring Double Standards

Facebook took down a massive "Stop the Steal" group, which boasted over 300,000 members, claiming the group was causing "real-world events" and participating in what Facebook calls a "delegitimization of the election process." The Facebook group highlighted alleged instances of voter fraud and election irregularities. 

"In line with the exceptional measures that we are taking during this period of heightened tension, we have removed the Group 'Stop the Steal,' which was creating real-world events," a platform spokesperson told The Hill. "The group was organized around the delegitimization of the election process, and we saw worrying calls for violence from some members of the group."

Facebook groups like Black Lives Matter create "real-world" riots and violence but Big Tech allows those groups to exist. Left-leaning Facebook groups have also sought to delegitimize President Trump's victory in 2016. 

It's a far cry from a "delegitimization of the election process" to simply shine a light on voting irregularities and instances of alleged voter fraud. If anyone has delegitimized the election process and created real-world chaos surrounding this year's election it's Democrats who changed the rules ahead of election day. 

Big Tech is helping push the liberal media's false narrative that Joe Biden has already won the election and any questioning of voting irregularities and discrepancies are part of a delegitimization process designed to undo Biden's victory. 

The truth is this remains a very close election and it will take some time to add up the legal ballots. The American people have every right to be concerned about the integrity of the election, and free speech is more essential than ever to the health of our country.