
Betting Odds See Wild Swings as Race Drags On

Update: Another swing back.

Original Post:

Betting odds for the 2020 election have completely flipped in Donald Trump's favor as the night progressed, according to markets worldwide, which is reportedly the first time that has happened in more than five months.

According to OutKick, the pattern "mirrors" 2016. Here's what the numbers looked like throughout the day.

2:45 – Biden 2/5, Trump 2/1
5:45 – Biden 2/5, Trump 2/1
8:00 – Biden 4/5, Trump 1/1
9:35 – Biden 17/10, Trump 3/10
10:00 – Biden 13/5, Trump 1/4
10:30 – Biden 15/8, Trump 4/9
11:00 – Biden 21/10, Trump 1/3
11:30 – Biden 6/5, Trump 4/6

Clearly, President Trump has picked up considerable steam throughout the day, especially in the later hours, mirroring the 2016 race. However, that momentum has receded a little bit to become a closer race. (OutKick)