
John James Exposes Democrats' Exploitation of Black Voters in Closing Campaign Argument

In his closing argument ahead of Tuesday’s election, Michigan GOP Senate candidate John James urged voters to see through Democrats’ use of identity politics for the sake of political gain. 

James pointed to Democrats’ decades-long strategy of convincing African American voters that Democratic values will elevate them economically, while embracing policies that do just the opposite. The Left claims that Republicans want to suppress the black vote, but James pushes back on that narrative.

“Joe Biden has said that he believes that Republicans don’t want black people to vote. I’m a Republican, I want black people to vote. In fact, I want everyone to vote who is eligible to vote. I believe that a voteless people is a hopeless people,” James says in his closing ad. “The truth is, the Democratic business model is reliant upon keeping black votes dependent on the government. Countless people have died for our right to think and to vote for ourselves, yet Democratic leadership asks us to outsource our voice on a straight ticket ballot to a Godless party that neither represents our values nor our economic best interests.”

James instills fear in Democrats as he threatens their exhausted narrative used to court black voters. In what has become a nationally-watched Senate contest, Democrats have spent upwards of $30 million bailing out incumbent Democrat Senator Gary Peters as James looks to unseat him on Tuesday.