
Wait...Is CIA Director Gina Haspel Blocking Declassification of Russian Collusion Documents?

We could have a problem regarding the full transparency of the Russian collusion fiasco that has engulfed the news media and the Democratic Party for the past three years. Actually, it’s still a topic of discussion despite the entire narrative having more holes through it than Bonnie and Clyde. As Sean Davis of The Federalist told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, it appears that CIA Director Gina Haspel might be the person blocking the declassification of documents that could shed more light on this myth. 

We already had revelations that the Trump-Russia circus might have been drummed up by Hillary Clinton to distract the public from her ongoing email troubles during the 2016 election, an issue that tanked her character numbers with voters. Obama was also reportedly briefed on this matter by then-CIA Director John Brennan. 

Haspel was CIA station chief in London during Brennan’s tenure, and London is where Christopher Steele did all his work compiling the infamous dossier that set off the collusion delusion (via the Federalist):

“I’m told that it is Gina Haspel personally who is blocking continued declassification of these documents that will show the American people the truth of what actually happened,” Davis said.

Notably, Haspel was previously the London CIA station chief under former CIA director John Brennan during the 2016 election. “Recall it was London where Christopher Steele was doing all this work,” Davis said, noting Haspel was the “main link” between Washington and London at the time. Haspel was hand-picked by former CIA director John Brennan to run the CIA’s operations in London, where she served as the spy agency’s bureau chief from 2014 through early 2017.

When asked what top bureaucrats might be hiding in these classified documents, and what it would it would take to declassify them, Davis called on President Donald Trump to declassify everything so Americans can see the evidence for themselves.

“So many of the people blocking these documents are likely implicated by them. You have these career bureaucrats whose careers may be destroyed by the facts within them,” he said.

Amen to that, and we may need a new CIA director soon if this pans out.