
That's Problematic, Prof: Why a College Professor Just Canceled Herself. Hint: It Could Be a Race Hoax Thing.

Well, all I can say is that Rachel Dolezal can relate to this incident. What in the fresh hell is going on here? What is it with people trying to be black? If you’re not black, then quit acting like it. It’s quite simple because we now have yet another example of a woman who lied about being black. Isn’t that a huge no-no with the Left? I mean, it’s bad in general, but this offense carries the death penalty among liberals. It’s cultural appropriation for monetary gain. This bring us to George Washington University associate professor Jessica A. Krug who has canceled herself because she has publicly declared her racial identity as black when in reality, she’s white (via NY Post):

Despite publicly living as a black woman for years, George Washington University associate professor Jessica Krug admitted Thursday that she is actually a “culture leech” — who is white.


The self-proclaimed “historian of politics, ideas, and cultural practices in Africa and the African Diaspora” goes on to detail a lengthy trail of public deception.

“To an escalating degree over my adult life, I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish child in suburban Kansas City under various assumed identities within a Blackness that I had no right to claim: first North African Blackness, then US rooted Blackness, then Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness,” she says. “I have built my life on a violent anti-Black lie, and I have lied in every breath I have taken.”


“There is no parallel form of my adulthood connected to white people or a white community or an alternative white identity. I have lived this lie, fully, completely, with no exit plan or strategy,” Krug writes. “I have no identity outside of this. I have never developed one.”

While she blames childhood trauma for planting the seeds of race appropriation, she at no point asks for forgiveness or attempts to justify her choices — but instead eviscerates her decisions and admits she has no idea how to move forward.

Yeah, this woman should still get dragged. Hey, I don’t really want to see that happen, but these are the Left’s rules. Even with admission, there will be a reckoning. And for what? Again, not about identity politics at all, but this crap is just plain weird. This isn’t Soul Man with C. Thomas Howell. Stop it. Also, that’s one movie that could never be made today. 

What is it with white liberals trying to take over any sort of black activism out there? Black Lives Matter has been engulfed by white libs—and now this crap again. And this admission comes after Dolezal was exposed as a white person years ago. Lady, this is the 21st century. It’s the era of social media. People will find out.

It's immensely entertaining seeing this identity politics crap blow up right in the Left's face. This is America. ‘You do you,’ right? Just expect to be drawn and quartered by progressive America if you’re caught pulling a Dolezal or a Warren. And don't expect any empathy or mercy. You get what you deserve if you do stuff like this.