
Anti-Law Enforcement Vandals Deface Michigan GOP's Headquarters

The Michigan Republican Party's headquarters in Lansing was vandalized on Sunday evening. The building was defaced with anti-law enforcement statements, including "f**k ICE," "f**k police" and "abolish police." 

According to Laura Cox, the Michigan Republican Party Chairwoman, the GOP backs the men and women in blue. Instead of allowing this to deter them, it only motivates them more to help get President Donald Trump re-elected in November.

The timing of this was definitely done on purpose. President Trump is scheduled to hold a rally Thursday evening in Freeland, Michigan. 

Vandals can do things like spray paint buildings with their anti-law enforcement sentiments but that doesn't mean people are going to suddenly stop supporting our men and women in blue. If anything, this proves the Republican Party's point: Democrats are the party of vandals, looters and rioters. There is no greater contrast than there is now.