
Former ESPN Writer's Nazi Tweet Is Peak Stupidity

I mean, this was done just to irritate normal people. Period. It’s not just conservatives. Anyone who has picked up a history book knows this is true. And we all know liberals have zero grasp of history. So, we’re back to this ‘the US is just like Nazi Germany’crap from the Left. Back in July, The New York Times published a piece from Isabel Wilkerson about caste systems, where she named India, the United States, and Nazi Germany as the hall of famers. It’s ridiculous. And now, former ESPN writer Jemele Hill decided to pour gasoline on that historically revisionist fire by tweeting, “Been reading Isabel Wilkerson’s new book, ‘Caste,’ and if you were of the opinion that the United States wasn’t nearly as bad as Nazi Germany, how wrong you are. Can’t encourage you enough to read this masterpiece.”

You just have to chuckle. This is a “masterpiece.” It’s really just detached from history. The whole basis is as wrongheaded as Holocaust denialism if we’re going to go into the weeds on this. You know the premise is facially untrue. I don’t need to read that the United States wasn’t nearly as bad a Nazi Germany. It wasn’t. We took part in destroying that evil nation during World War II, the most destructive conflict in human history. 

The Second Continental Congress convened to declare a final break from Britain. It was not convened to set about the elimination of the Jewish people, the method in which they were to be exterminated, and who was to be determined to be Jewish based on family histories and other racist blood science protocols. This wasn’t the Wannsee Conference. The U.S. never had one. The U.S. never had the racist Nuremberg Laws, which the Nazis passed to protect the purity of German blood. There is simply no historically rational way to make an argument that Nazi Germany and the US are similar. To think so, means you’ve failed to understand both our nation’s founding and the ideology behind National Socialism. Honestly, it’s not really worth anyone’s time going into this other than it’s another group of self-righteous and historically illiterate Americans trashing the country, whilst ignoring that they could never even have amassed the wealth or profile they have obtained under a Nazi government. They can do and say what they want because this is America. It just amazes me how more than ever, these clowns simply fail to see how good they have it.