
Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Arguments One Week After the General Election

The Supreme Court announced on Wednesday that the justices will hear oral arguments in the fight over the Affordable Care Act (ACA) starting on November 10, just one week after the general election. The Trump administration, along with a handful of red states, asks the court to invalidate the ACA. 

The court concluded that the law’s individual mandate was constitutional under Congress’ taxing power, but Congress later scrapped the provision within the ACA. The Trump administration now seeks to overturn the law in its entirety, in the third major legal challenge to Obamacare. The Department of Justice argues in the lawsuit that the ACA can no longer survive:

“No further analysis is necessary; once the individual mandate and the guaranteed-issue and community-rating provisions are invalidated, the remainder of the ACA cannot survive," the DOJ argues.

The timing of the court’s hearing of the arguments, just one week after the presidential election, will turn healthcare into an even more contentious issue at the ballot box.